What started out as outbursts of laughter for Emily ended up being epilepsy. I spoke to the nurse at her doctor’s office and she thought it was preteen hormones.
One day Emily was at a friend’s house whose father is a doctor. He witnessed one of Emily’s laughing attacks. When we returned, he let me know that we should consult a pediatric neurologist as soon as possible. Thanksgiving Day we had an appointment after the EEG. He referred us to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford for a Video EEG and MRI.
The Doctor at Stanford confirmed she has a rare form of Epilepsy called “Gelastic Seizures”. She will have another MRI after we remove her braces and if the Carbatrol & Keppra do not work she could be a candidate for surgery.
Emily was having 12-16 seizures per day and she also lost control of her bladder. I was so angry at her before I understood what was going on. The meds are working but she is so tired and grumpy. She doesn’t want to go to her friend’s house because she is too embarrassed about the laughing attacks. The medicines are difficult for her but we hope that one day she we won’t have to take them.