Harmonic Brewing Thrive City
Chase Center, San Francisco
Northern California is a unique location with a great number of premier epilepsy centers and specialists all practicing
their incredible craft right in our backyard. Our annual EFNC Physicians and Clinicians Consortium is designed to support these heroes by providing a time and space for the leaders in our field to network, share ideas and opportunities,
and create invaluable partnerships. Please join us in our shared vision to create a world in which a cure for epilepsy is a reality.
Coffee, lunch, wine and beer will be served.
Each year, a special guest speaker is invited to attend to share unique, pertinent and valuable information and insight to the practice of epilepsy and seizure disorders.
For 2023, we’re please to introduce
Dr. David Spencer, M.D.
Director, Comprehensive Epilepsy Center
Professor of Neurology, School of Medicine
Oregon Health & Science University
The Promise and Pitfalls of Cell Therapy for Drug Resistant Epilepsy

Bernice “Bee” Martin Lee
CEO, President, Epilepsy Foundation
EFNC Physician Consortium Honorary Executive Board
Edward f. chang, md
Professor of Neurological Surgery
UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences
robert knowlton, MD
Professor, Neurology
UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences
Eliza Hagen, MD, Highland Hospital/Alameda Health System
Kim Meador, MD, Stanford Medical Center
Brenda Porter, MD, Stanford Children’s Medical Center
Everett Austin, MD, Kaiser Permanente
Sharon McDaniel, MD, Kaiser Permanente
Robert Knowlton, MD, UC San Francisco
Ken Laxer, MD, California Pacific Medical Center
Nina Garga, MD, Veterans Administration
Jeffery Kennedy, MD, UC Davis
Eniko Nagy-Wilde, MD, Sutter Comprehensive Epilepsy Center
Edwin Cruz, MD, Mercy Epilepsy Center
Cesar Santos, MD, Valley Children’s Hospital