FACILITATED by individuals with epilepsy
Our support groups offer support and understanding as we connect in a confidential setting.
Most of our groups are virtual for convenient access from anywhere. Some are hybrid in-person and Zoom.

Teen/Adolescents (Ages 11-18)
Weekly on Mondays at 5pm
Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 4 pm
Eric’s Corner
Stanford Health
3rd Fl, Board Rm 2
5575 W. Las Positas Pleasanton, CA
3rd Thursday of the Month at 5pm
Weekly on Fridays at 5pm
Older Adults (55+)
2nd Sunday of the Month at 1pm
Note: On pause until September
Topic Sub-Groups for Individuals with Epilepsy and Caregivers
WRITING: “Navigating Epilepsy Together”
Host: Yarrow Rubin
Summary: In the ongoing group, patient navigator Yarrow Rubin will host online zoom sessions with writing prompts for adults with any level of writing experience. We will use excerpts of the book Your Brain on Ink, A Workbook on Neuroplasticity by Deborah Ross and Kathleen Adams.
When: Second and Fourth Tuesday of Each Month at 10am
Host: Dolly Heart
Summary: The arts provides both verbal and non-verbal means to communicate, express emotions, and relieve tension. Join our virtual therapeutic art group for adults every week on Tuesdays.
When: Tuesdays 11:00am-12:30pm
In-Person Board Game Host: Natalia Sucher
Where: San Francisco Board Game Cafe
When: Monthly
Online Gaming Host: Gerald Witters
When: Every Friday at 6:30pm
*Independent groups are not operated by Epilepsy Foundation of Northern California
Community Support Groups by Location
Group: Adults & Pediatric Support Group (In-Person)
Location: Betty Rodriguez Library, 3040 N Cedar Ave, Fresno, CA 93703
When: First Thursdays from 5:30-7:30pm
Note: Meets online AND in-person at the same time, please click below to request Zoom info
Group: Mountain View Support Group
Online via Zoom and In-Person
When: First Thursdays of each month
Note: Please
contact Therese Cameron at 408-835-1898 or email below for more information.
Group: Sacramento
Adult Support Group (In-Person)
Location: 909
22nd Street, Sacramento, CA 95816
When: 2nd Wednesdays
from 6:00-7:30pm
NOTE: This group is currently ON HOLD. Please check back for updates.
Group: Young Adults with Epilepsy Monthly Workshops
Location: Online – Zoom
When: Monthly
Note: Facilitated
by young adults who get it, Abby & Austin cover important topics like mental health, advocacy & self care in a low key setting.
Epilepsy Foundation Bereavement Support
Adults: Ages 27 and older who have lost a loved one to epilepsy
When: First Sunday of the Month
Young Adults: Ages 18 – 26 who have lost a loved one to epilepsy
When: Third Tuesday of the Month
Group: EFLA Epilepsy Book Club – for adults
with epilepsy and their loved ones
Location: Online – Zoom
When: Third Thursday of the Month from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Note: Join us to share ideas, discuss the current book we’re reading and select the next possible book! We look forward to meeting
Group: Young Adults with Epilepsy Peer Group – Casual Drop In
Location: Online – Zoom
When: Every Wednesday from 5:30-6:30 pm
Note: A casual opportunity to join via Zoom every Wednesday from 5:30-6:30 pm PST, facilitated by a young adult with epilepsy. Totally chill, no pressure–you can share, not share, be on camera or just observe–totally
up to you.
Group: Bay Area Epilepsy Meetup
Location: Online – Zoom
When: Every Month – Sundays
Note: Welcome to the Bay Area Epilepsy Meetup! This group is intended for people with epilepsy and family/friends of people with
epilepsy to get together to socialize, find peer support and make new friends. We can discuss our experiences with epilepsy and exchange ideas/tips on how to improve the quality of life living with epilepsy; but the focus of the group
will be on socializing and having fun!
Group: Santa Barbara
Cottage Hospital Epilepsy Support Group
Location: Online – Zoom OR
Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital
Third Wednesday of the Month from 4:00pm-5:30pm
Note: We hope you will join us and take part in supporting others as well as receiving support from other persons with epilepsy.
Attend virtually or in-person at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital.
*Independent groups are not operated by Epilepsy Foundation of Northern California
Support Group Details

Adolescent (Ages 11-18) Support Group
Weekly on Mondays at 5pm
Phone Access: +1 669 900 6833
Enter the Code: 679 644 8783#

Parents/Caregivers Support Group
Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 4 pm
Phone Access: +1 669 900 6833
Enter the Code: 679 644 8783#

Eric’s Corner – Hybrid East Bay Support Group
3rd Thursday of the Month at 5pm
Stanford Health Care Tri-Valley
3rd Floor, Board Room 2
5575 W. Las Positas Blvd.
Pleasanton, CA

Adults Support Group
Weekly on Fridays at 5pm
Phone Access: +1 669 900 6833
Enter the Code: 679 644 8783#

Older Adults (55+) Support Group
2nd Sunday of the Month at 1pm
Next Meetings: November 10th, December 8th
Phone Access: +1 669 900 6833
Enter the Code: 679 644 8783#
MyEpilepsyTeam is a free, password-protected social network where you can connect with others in the epilepsy community on your phone, tablet or computer. You can share tips, support, Q&A, provider referrals
and more with other people who “get it”.
- MyEpilepsyTeam is a completely independent social network.
- MyEpilepsyTeam NEVER shares the personally identifying information of its members with anyone!
- MyEpilepsyTeam is a monitored site that does not allow selling of any services or products.
For questions about a specific support group, please contact the host(s) for that group. For any other questions or any other assistance, please email us at efnca@epilepsynorcal.org